Mental and Behavioural Healthcare

How Telemedicine Bridges the Gap in Mental and Behavioural Healthcare

In recent years, telemedicine has emerged as a game-changer in the healthcare industry, offering patients and providers a new way to interact with each other. This was especially evident during the Covid-19 pandemic when the usage of telemedicine services spiked. 

In particular, telemedicine has made a significant impact on the field of mental and behavioural healthcare. Mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and substance abuse are prevalent worldwide, yet access to care can be challenging due to stigma, cost, and limited resources. Telemedicine online platform development has provided a means of addressing these barriers and improving access to care for needy patients.

In this article, we will explore how telemedicine is bridging the gap in mental and behavioural healthcare and the benefits it offers to both patients and providers.

5 Major Challenges in Traditional Mental and Behavioural Healthcare

5 Major Challenges in Traditional Mental and Behavioural Healthcare

Challenges in traditional mental and behavioural healthcare can be numerous and complex. These range from social issues to technical and accessibility issues. Here are some of the major challenges that traditional mental and behavioural healthcare faces:

Limited access

One of the biggest challenges in traditional mental and behavioural healthcare is limited access to care. People living in rural or remote areas may not have access to mental healthcare services or may have to travel long distances to receive care. This can be particularly difficult for those who have mobility or transportation issues.


Another major challenge in traditional mental and behavioural healthcare is mental illness stigma. Many people feel ashamed or embarrassed to seek help for their mental health issues or may fear being judged by others. This can prevent them from seeking the care they need.

High costs

Traditional mental and behavioural healthcare can also be costly, particularly for those without insurance or limited financial resources. This can create a significant barrier to accessing care for those who need it.

Provider shortages

There is a shortage of mental health providers in many areas, making it difficult for individuals to receive timely and effective treatment. This is particularly true in rural areas, where the number of mental health providers is often lower than in urban areas.

Time constraints

Traditional mental and behavioural healthcare also faces time constraints, particularly in scheduling appointments and providing follow-up care. This can make it difficult for individuals to receive the ongoing care they need to manage their mental health issues.

Bridging the Gap Between Telemedicine in Mental and Behavioral Healthcare: 4 Steps

Mental health is crucial to overall well-being, yet it is often neglected or stigmatized. The World Health Organization reports that one in four people globally will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point. Unfortunately, mental health care is still not easily accessible to all individuals due to various factors such as social stigma, lack of healthcare professionals, and limited access to healthcare facilities, particularly in rural areas.

However, telemedicine has brought about significant improvements in the mental healthcare system. Telemedicine for mental health has become a vital tool in bridging the gap between patients and healthcare providers. It has revolutionised mental healthcare delivery by providing a way to reach and treat patients who otherwise would not have access to care.

Bridging the Gap Between Telemedicine in Mental and Behavioral Healthcare_ 4 Steps

Here are some changes that remote access telemedicine software can bring to providing mental health treatment.

1. Overcoming Stigma and Improving Access to Treatment

Telemedicine for mental health has the potential to break down the stigma surrounding mental illnesses and make it easier for people to access proper treatment. By providing care remotely, patients can receive treatment from the comfort and privacy of their homes without worrying about being seen going to a mental health clinic.

2. Addressing Substance Abuse and Encouraging Addiction Treatment Reform

Telemedicine for mental health is also effective in addressing the opioid epidemic and the substance abuse that it entails, thus encouraging reform in addiction treatment. Telepsychiatry allows for easier access to medication-assisted treatment, which has been shown to be effective in treating opioid addiction. It also enables patients to access care more frequently, improving outcomes.

3. Reducing the Shortage of Mental Healthcare Experts

Telepsychiatry can help alleviate the shortage of mental healthcare experts. It allows healthcare providers to reach patients in remote or underserved areas, increasing access to care for those who may not have otherwise been able to receive it. This can also help reduce appointment wait times and improve overall patient outcomes.

4. Convenience and Accessibility for Patients

Finally, telemedicine for mental health is more convenient and easily accessible for people struggling with mental illnesses. It eliminates the need for patients to travel to a physical clinic, which can be difficult for those with limited mobility or transportation options. This can make it easier for patients to stick to their treatment plans and receive the care they need on a regular basis.

Challenges and Future of Telemedicine in Mental and Behavioural Healthcare

Despite the numerous benefits of telemedicine in mental and behavioural healthcare, it also faces several challenges that hinder its effectiveness. One major challenge is the difficulty in assessing nonverbal cues and body language through video consultations. The inability to perform physical exams or tests remotely also gets in the way, as some conditions require one-on-one physical tests. 

Another challenge is the digital divide. Some patients may not have access to the internet or a smartphone, which makes it impossible for them to use telemedicine services. Moreover, some patients may not be comfortable with technology, which can make it challenging for them to receive treatment through telemedicine. There is also the issue of privacy and security. Though there are some challenges in implementing Telemental Health, we can overcome them by using the latest healthcare technologies. Mental health professionals have to ensure that the patient’s data is secure and that there is no breach of confidentiality during the telemedicine session.

What is the Future Hold for Telemedicine in Mental and behavioural health?

The future of telemedicine in mental and behavioural healthcare looks promising. With the increasing demand for mental health services, telemedicine provides a viable solution for reaching more patients and providing timely treatment. Telemedicine also allows mental health professionals to monitor patient’s progress and adjust their treatment plans accordingly.

Technology advancements are also improving telemedicine’s effectiveness in mental and behavioural healthcare. For example, virtual reality therapy is becoming more prevalent in treating anxiety and phobias. Moreover, artificial intelligence is being used to detect early signs of mental illness and provide personalised treatment plans. Here is how you can implement Telehealth & Telemedicine in your hospital & clinic.

Summing Up 

Telemedicine has revolutionised the delivery of mental and behavioural healthcare, making it more accessible. This has broken down the stigma surrounding mental illnesses and made it easier for people to access proper treatment. Telemedicine has also allowed easier access to medication-assisted treatment and reduced the shortage of mental healthcare experts. Challenges in traditional mental and behavioural healthcare include limited access, stigma, high costs, provider shortages, and time constraints. However, the future of telemedicine in mental and behavioural healthcare is bright, with potential for further development and expansion. 

To benefit from telemedicine apps and websites for your mental and behavioural healthcare needs, contact us at EMed HealthTech, a leading telemedicine app development company. We provide customised telemedicine app development services that suit your particular needs. Our client-centric approach ensures all your needs are met through the custom healthcare app we create. Mark your presence in the mental healthcare industry with a sturdy telemedicine app to cover your technical needs. 


The Seven Challenges of Telemental Health and How to Overcome Them?

The mental health scenario in India is a bleak one, with one in every seven people suffering from a clinically diagnosable mental disorder, according to a study by Lancet Psychiatry. There is also a huge disparity in the doctor-patient ratio. The required ratio, according to WHO, stands at 3 psychiatrists per 100,000 population, but India has only 0.75 psychiatrists per 100,000. This ratio is made taking into consideration that India is a low-income country.

However, with the entry of telemedicine into the mainstream, things are starting to look different. A virtual care system nullifies a lot of the geographical and physical barriers that keep a person from mental health services. With more access and awareness, the social stigma surrounding mental health issues also disperse. However, implementing a telemental health service has its challenges. We discuss some of the major challenges faced by Telemental Health and Telemedicine app development and how to overcome them.


Telemental Health Landscape in India

The telemental health landscape got a boost this year with the central government launching its National Tele-Mental Health Program (NTMPH).

The launch comes as a welcome change in the wake of the COVID pandemic. Having to withdraw from social circles, being forced into isolation, loss of loved ones, and threatened job security are post-COVID factors that have left a debilitating impact on mental health.

However, mental health issues are not just personal struggles. Studies show a deep connection between mental health crises and the economy of a nation. A simple explanation could be that poor mental health causes a loss of productivity, negatively affecting businesses and by extension, the whole economy. Not surprisingly, poor mental health is believed to have cost the world economy a whopping $2·5 trillion on average in 2010 — a number that’s about to rise to an unbelievable $6 trillion by 2030. India, alone, is estimated to face an economic loss of US$ 1.03 trillion due to mental health problems, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

While the new action plans and studies shed a ray of hope on the telemental health care scenario, it is not without its own set of challenges.

Challenges of Telemental Health



One of the major challenges in making use of the telemental health care system would be privacy. While privacy is a must in every medical consultation, in the case of mental health issues, there is the weight of social stigma attached to it. If a person decides to reach out to a mental health professional for help, this is often done discreetly. The lack of a private space is also a concern given that most Indian households have joint family systems. A space that is private and safe is a must to ensure that patients can fully avail of telemental health services.

Preference for in-person care

Despite the availability of virtual care, some people prefer in-person care. This is because mental health issues are more sensitive. Being able to confide in the presence of another person provides the warmth of human contact while a virtual consultation might seem cold and distant. It is also important to consider that most people would be forced to stay in an environment that might be conducive to their mental health deterioration. In-person, care ensures that the patient is part of a support group and in an environment that acknowledges their issues.

This preference gets in the way of patients accessing mental health services as well as telemental health providers.

Digital Literacy and Networking Issues

Using telemental health applications means that the patient requires a certain amount of know-how about technology. India particularly faces a large demographic of digitally challenged people, which amounts to 80% of 1.4 billion people. Digital literacy gets in the way of the proper implementation of telemental health programs.

Another glaring issue is connectivity. While there is an equivalent of 81.3% of the total population, the internet penetration rate in India is still at 47% as of 2021. This means that more than half of the population does not have access to the Internet. Because most telemental health services take place over the internet, a large portion of the people is not able to access this due to low connectivity.

Strategies to Overcome the Challenges

The challenges faced by the telemedicine industry in implementing its services are often broad. Here are a few strategies we can adopt to battle the challenges.

Awareness and Education on mental health

A developing country like India has its own set of social stigmas when it comes to dealing with mental health issues. Myths and superstitions get in the way of proper diagnosis and treatment. Creating awareness through campaigns to all people of all ages, introducing mental health issue awareness in school curriculums, and breaking the myths surrounding mental health treatment can help tackle this challenge to a large extent.

Better connectivity

India is a developing country and is only slowly pacing towards a fully networked society. Creating better connections is a slow process, but one that can create significant changes. With better connectivity, mental health services can reach remote areas and persons with restrictions on mobility.

Digital literacy

India’s statistics on digital literacy, as mentioned above, are bleak. While there are a lot of mobile phone users as per the statistics, not many may be literate on anything beyond the basic functionalities. Inculcating proper digital literacy into the school curriculum, and through social channels to reach the older crowd can help better the digital literacy rate. Updating to smartphones is also important to avail advanced services of telemental health.

Telemedicine App Development for Telemental Health

Telemedicine applications are software built especially for dispersing virtual medical care. It is a multifaceted application that is intended for multiple types of users. It has particular interfaces for patients, doctors, healthcare staff, pharmaceuticals, and administrative staff. Each interface has its functionalities, all of which when working in tandem provide a seamless user experience.

The telemedicine app or doctor appointment booking app has features like AI-powered automation which enables chatbots and other day-to-day activities. Data analytics and business intelligence provide valuable insights that can help make informed decisions. ERP capabilities in the telemedicine app help with management and business activities. When built to the specific need of a healthcare facility, a telemedicine app can become a powerful platform for virtual medical care.

Final Words

Building a telemedicine app is a significant business step. The ideal telemedicine app development company will provide the necessary features for your specific need, 24*7 SLA customer support, and will have experience and proven mettle with a seasoned team of experts.

EMed HealthTech is a leading name in providing scalable, cost-effective, and customized telemedicine app development services for healthcare facilities of all sizes. Our healthcare apps have a proven track record of optimizing operations. Talk to us today about your telemedicine app development needs.